風雨蘭賣旗日2024 以「Good Vibes 同行支援」為題,除藉此喚醒大眾對性侵事件的關注外,更希望讓大眾練習成為溫暖的支援者,實踐同理他人和溫柔以待,將受傷的人好好接住。
賣旗日:2024年3月9日 (星期六)
籌款目標 : HK$ 600,000
Raising funds for sexual violence crisis support service
Established in 2000, RainLily is the first rape crisis centre in Hong Kong to support sexual violence victims. RainLily provides one-stop support service, including immediate and follow-up medical treatment, process support throughout the legal procedure, free legal clinic and counselling. Every year, RainLily provides crisis intervention and in-depth follow-up service to over 300 victims and handles over 2,000 hotline calls.
Join us for RainLily Flag Day 2024! Beyond spreading awareness about sexual violence, we invite you to be part of a movement that promotes empathy and warmth. Let's come together as a community to create supportive Good Vibes for victim-survivors.
Join us for RainLily Flag Day 2024! Beyond spreading awareness about sexual violence, we invite you to be part of a movement that promotes empathy and warmth. Let's come together as a community to create supportive Good Vibes for victim-survivors.
Street Flag Selling Date: 9 March 2024 (Saturday)
Location: Hong Kong Island
Fundraising Target: HK$ 600,000
召集小雨點 - 幼兒親子賣旗義工

捐款形式及收據安排 Donation Method & Receipt Arrangement
劃線支票 Crossed Cheque
Please mark your crossed cheque payable to 'RainLily', along with donor information, remark it as 'RainLily Flag Day 2024', and mail to P.O. Box 74120, Kowloon Central Post Office, Hong Kong.
直接存入銀行 Direct Transfer
匯豐銀行戶口號碼 HSBC account:149-094435-838
如欲收取收據,請提交 入數紙 / 確認付款螢幕截圖 並填寫捐款者資料寄回九龍中央郵政局郵政信箱74120號
If you need a receipt, please send us the bank-in slip / screenshot for processing through P.O. Box 74120, Kowloon Central Post Office, Hong Kong.
網上捐款 Online Donation
Receipts will be issued for donations over HK$100, which are tax deductible in Hong Kong.
Receipts will be issued for donations over HK$100, which are tax deductible in Hong Kong.

RainLily has partnered with survivors and volunteers to launch a limited series of merch. All the funds raised will go towards support services for victim-survivors of sexual violence.
RainLily has partnered with survivors and volunteers to launch a limited series of merch. All the funds raised will go towards support services for victim-survivors of sexual violence.
查詢 Enquiry: (+852) 2392 2569 | flagday@rainlily.org.hk

公開籌款許可證編號 Public Subscription Permit: FD-R029-2023
The Director of Social Welfare has given approval to three organisations to sell flags on Hong Kong Island region, in Kowloon region and the New Territories region respectively on 9 March 2024 and RainLily is authorised to conduct flag sale in Hong Kong Island region on that day.

風雨蘭為香港首間性暴力危機支援中心 RainLily is Hong Kong's First Sexual Violence Crisis Centre
了解更多關於風雨蘭工作,請瀏覽 For more about RainLily, please visit: rainlily.org.hk
香港公益金會員機構 A member agency of The Community Chest of Hong Kong
Honour Sponsor |